Seek and you shall find 8)

I am currently making my way through the learning path for week 3.  One of the optional activities involves doing an internet search for digital photography for your context.  I decided I would give it a go, and initially felt quite underwhelmed with what I could find.  See my problem is that most of my experience with students is in upper primary; as this is where I have worked as a teacher’s aide for the last six years.  I did, many years ago, spend a term in prep, however, this was before ICTs were part of a teachers toolbelt.  I did do a prac last year in prep, for three weeks, and although the teacher used an Interactive White Board (IWB), there was little ICT used in the students learning.  Anyway, my point is, that I am familiar with ICTs for upper primary, but no so familiar (or comfortable) with ICTs for lower primary.  Why is this a problem?, I hear you ask. Well, my prac placement this semester is with a Year 1 class, and I want to make sure I am ready for it.  So my initial focus for the search was for lower primary, and that didn’t find me much.  So I then tried just primary, and voilà; there it was.  Finally, something I could use.  Here is one of the cool things I found.  What I like about this, is the fact that a teacher has actually done this stuff with her students, so I can see how the students actually use them and what they are likely to learn from it.

I am really glad that I did this optional activity, and would recommend to others to do it too.  Hopefully our toolbelts will be well and truly stuffed by the time we get to prac 🙂

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2 Responses to Seek and you shall find 8)

  1. wendymclark says:

    Hi Katherine, Thanks for sharing the “cool things” link. Taking photos from the view of “eyes of ants” would be great fun for kids!! Although there are a few great ideas on that link.

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